Catherine McAuley Catholic College is a brand new college located in Medowie. North were engaged as an Early Contractor Involvement partner, alongside Webber Architects, to deliver Stage 1 works. Stage 1 includes the development of a masterplan for the whole school on the new site. Stage 1 construction comprised 3 buildings within a masterplan of a proposed Primary and High School with 16 buildings and outdoor playing fields- overall capacity for 1680 Students and 125 staff.
Block A – Administration building including music, drama and hospitality. The building will provide interim learning spaces until future stages are built and will return to administration; Block B – Chapel allows for 500 students and after-hours services; Block Q – Early Education Centre.
Block A and Block B open day one term one- January open to years 7 and 8 – Total 270 students and 25 staff. An undercover linkway which will be egress between buildings due to open July 2021. Interim intersection works to school frontage currently underway due to open day one term one with final intersection subject to design.
North were subsequently awarded Stage 2 from a competitive tender process.
Stage 2 involved the design and construction of Blocks C and D, along with all associated infrastructure and landscaping works. Block C consists of science-based learning spaces and facilities while Block D houses the junior and senior technological and applied science (TAS) areas.