John Hunter Hospital Surgical Training

Client: Hunter New England Area Health Service

VAlue: $2,200,000

Architect: Rodd & Hay Associates Pty Ltd

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Project Details

The Surgical Skills Training Building was jointly funded by Hunter New England Health and the University of Newcastle. The purpose of the facility is for university medical students to complete practical training, using volunteer patients from the hospital. The building consists of a large tutorial room, a surgical skills training room, a number of mock consultation rooms and administration rooms.

The construction took a total of 35 weeks to complete, with the original contract scope being for the construction of the ground floor only. Part way through the ground floor construction the client initiated a variation for the construction of the 1st and 2nd floors; this was a negotiated variation to the original contract.

The site, located on the main ring road of the operating hospital, required careful co-ordination between the hospital and the site foreman during construction for both site and hospital deliveries.

The requirement for medical gases, hydraulic and electrical services to the building was also co-ordinated with the hospital to ensure that there was no disruption to any of the hospital services.

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