Mariners Centre of Excellence

Client: Mariners FC Developments

VAlue: $17,500,000

Architect: MSK Architects

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Project Details

Prior to the commencement of the 6 storey building, the new permanent access to the existing site needed to be constructed. Due to the ground conditions this required significant site co-ordination and input from the Civil and Geo-technical Engineers.

The Centre of Excellence building is supported by significant grout injected piles required to overcome the poor ground conditions. The main structure was erected quickly utilizing a combination of peri formwork systems, metal permanent formwork, post tension slabs and dincel wall forms to core areas of the fire stairs and lift shaft. Each of the suspended floors were poured in 2 sections to allow a staggered format allowing the pouring and stripping sequence to flow very smoothly.

Frametec floor to floor wall system was used in lieu of conventional glazed curtain wall system as this sped up the construction process as it followed behind the floor pours and allowed us to close up the building quickly.

Externally, with the completion of this phase the internal roads and parking required for the entire Centre of Excellence precinct were completed.

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